- Arts & Culture
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- International Development
- Iwi & Māori
- Justice
- Labour Market
- Local Government
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Public Sector
MartinJenkins is uniquely placed to support public sector agencies in being more productive, innovative and responsive, in delivering high-quality services, and in addressing the complex, long-term issues that matter most to New Zealanders. Over the past two decades we have shaped major trends and developed solutions to the critical challenges faced by the public sector. Under one roof, we bring together the core capabilities required for a high-quality public sector organisation to deliver results.
All-of-Government provider: MartinJenkins is a registered provider of All-of-Government (AoG) Consultancy Services, in these Business and Finance subcategories – as of December 2016:
Business Change
Human Resource
Operations Management and Risk
Policy, Research and Development
Finance and Economics (since November 2015)
Assurance (since November 2015).
For a summary of our public sector consultancy services provided under the AoG framework, click here.
Our expertise
Strategic advice to elected leaders and senior public servants that advances their priorities
Aligning strategy to organisational development to enable agencies to deliver results
Developing and using analytical frameworks and capability to deliver high-quality public policy
Delivering value through stronger performance and financial management
Generating agency, sector and cross-agency achievement through effective public-sector management and advice on the machinery of government
Obtaining and interpreting data to generate insight and action
Budget and financial management for the state and public sector
Employment relations
Organisational performance
Evaluation and research.
Our clients
Central government agencies
Local government
Crown entities, Crown research institutes, state owned enterprises and mixed ownership model companies
Tertiary education institutions
A range of other state and public-sector organisations
Corporations and non-government bodies looking to work with government.
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